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API Flows

What is an API

API stands for "Application Programming Interface". An API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to communicate with each other (like a messenger). APIs are a set of functions and procedures that allow for the creation of applications. They access the data and features of other applications, services, and databases.

Flows in Koxy AI

A Cloudspace in Koxy AI comes with an API. You can add more flows to this API as you wish. a flow in Koxy AI is a set of nodes and functions connected together that defines how the flow works and what it returns as a response and you can serve it in the edge-cloud.

Nodes in flows

Every flow in Koxy AI is a set of nodes connected together in a specific order. The nodes define the functionality of the flow. For example, a node might be responsible for validating the input data, while another node might be responsible for storing the data in a database.

How to create a flow

After creating your Cloudspace, You can go to your Cloudspace, and click on API flows from the sidebar. now you should be able to add flows to your API by clicking on Add flow, you just need to give your flow a name to create it.

Notice: flow names should be unique and can't be changed. so if you create a flow that has the name of another one the system will replace it with the older one.

After adding a new flow, you need to define the nodes that will make up the flow. You can do this by using the Koxy AI API builder. The API builder is a graphical interface that allows you to create and configure flows without writing any code.

Connecting flows together

You can set the trigger of any node in your flow as another flow, If you set the trigger of a node as another flow, the other flow will be executed in the same environment and It will share all the previous nodes responses that are saved as a response. see how nodes triggers work.